My Story
I help executive leaders and companies bridge the gap between their unique strategic purpose and the demand for outperformance.
As a veteran C-suite executive, I understand the increasing level of complexity facing today’s high-performing business leaders.
I’ve spent my career leading a wide spectrum of companies through inflection points of monumental growth and unprecedented downturns in markets; reorganizing inefficient, high-priority departments; spearheading innovative product development and rebranding efforts; and developing strong alliances across the largest and most respected organizations.

Each executive position and company presented a different challenge — and opportunity — yet in every instance I helped change the course of business by aligning our resources to the unique company strategy.
Now, after successfully experiencing it all, I help business leaders around the world unlock their business strategy to create their own level of organizational outperformance and executive success.
Throughout my career, it has been a great honor to be recognized as an individual expert and executive leader. A few notable awards include:
- Inaugural recipient of the FCS Jamie E. Depeau Leadership Award for ‘helping others to think big, break down barriers, and perform at their highest potential.’
- The Ivy College of Business Women in Inspiration Award for ‘making a significant impact in [my] career while inspiring other women in business to become leaders and reach their full potential.’
- Gramercy Institute 20 Rising Stars in Financial Marketing.
- Inaugural recipient of the FCS Jamie E. Depeau Leadership Award for ‘helping others to think big, break down barriers, and perform at their highest potential.’

While on a short hiatus from my time in the C-suite, I wrote a book for our daughter to help her navigate a career in business. A highly candid and personal account of my professional career as a leader, mentor and researcher, it was soon discovered, published, and distributed across the globe, achieving a #1 ranking and listed as a Top 100 Best Company Culture Books of All Time by BookAuthority.
To date, it has helped thousands of leaders — from mid-level managers to the senior-most executives and CEOs — successfully navigate today’s most challenging cultural challenges at work and remove their own barriers to success. A second book is scheduled for release in 2023.
I am also a contributing expert to numerous publications and podcasts across the globe in the field of leadership, diversity, company culture, and corporate strategy.
I hold an MBA with honors, Alpha Iota Delta, in Strategy & Statistics from St. Joseph’s University and an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, with a major in Finance, from Iowa State University.
I live with my husband Mike, daughter Lauren, and canine sidekick Lola near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Our son is currently away serving our country.